Looking for a perfect solution for your business?

We’re a leading, independent Fire & Safety Consultancy, specialising in the supply of Fire Risk Assessments, Employee Training, Strategic Planning and Policy drafting.  If you're looking for a compliant, high quality, low cost solution, we are confident that can offer beneficial cost savings. 


CALL US NOW: 01323 325 272 for your Free Quotation

Our consultants are leading the industry in comprehensive & detailed assessments for myriad clientele. Fire Safe (UK) Ltd provide a thorough, professional and detailed FRA for all your needs or circumstances. A fire risk assessment should be a hassle-free process. The procedure identifies fire hazards and those at risk in the workplace, and works to evaluate, remove or reduce the dangers. Is your risk assessment is urgent? Let us know and we we will garentee a 24 hour report dispatch (subject to additional admin fees).

Fire risk assessments (FRAs) come in all shapes and sizes – much like the fires they’re built to protect your property and its inhabitants from! As a fire risk assessment business in London, our job is twofold. The first and obvious thing we do is to offer expert advice and guidance with regards to what you need to do (legally), along with what you should be doing (ethically), before next conducting fire prevention and fire stopping works to make sure you adhere to both. There are levels to fire risk assessments – types 3 and 4 being some of them.

We draft Retrospective Strategic Fire Plans and Building Safety Case (BSC) reports in line with the approved guidelines, including; The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and Building Regulations. We’re experts on workplace safety, so you can rest assured knowing that your business’s wellbeing and compliance are top priorities. 


A Unique & Professional Experience

Fire Safe (UK) Ltd are the only UK fire consultancy service that offers Priority Bookings. If you're buying or selling a property and the process is being held up by the lack of a new Fire Risk Assessment, we can help by elevating your booking to Priority status. This will evolve an addition small administrative fee, which will enable our team to liaise with our existing confirmed clients and allocate one of our competent fire consultants to your site within five working days and your report will be dispatched within 24hrs of the site visit taking place (upon full payment being received). T&C's apply. Please speak to a member of our team if you wish to elevate your booking to 'Priority' Status today!



Do you have a strategic fire safety management issue that requires authoritative, high-level, and confidential advice?

Perhaps you need some support planning or executing next year's fire safety strategy.


As a holiday home owner, your guests’ safety is of paramount importance. In order to keep everyone safe it’s important that your property meets the latest safety standards, which is not only a legal requirement but also a moral responsibility. As of 1st October 2023, new fire safety regulations for UK holiday home owners will come into effect. 


We conduct Fire Door inspections in line with the approved guidelines, including; The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and Building Regulations. We’re experts on workplace safety, so you can rest assured knowing that your business’s wellbeing and compliance are top priorities. 


Fire Log Book with all new Fire Risk Assessment bookings 

Terms and conditions apply


As well as delivering high level Fire Safety Risk Management, we also offer a diverse range of consutancy services throughout the workplace.

Fire Marshal, Warden & Annual Awareness Training Courses

FIRE SAFETY CERTIFICATE for Outstanding Fire Risk Management

Click here to find out more information on how to become a successful recipient of the highly acclaimed Fire Safe (UK) Ltd Fire Safety Certificate.




Working In Partnership With;

We are proud to be acting with Lewis and Eastbourne Councils as their Technical Lead Fire Risk Assessor across their estates.



For the latest publications or information on current UK Regulations visit:


Advice, guidance, news, templates, tools, legislation, publications from Great Britain's independent regulator for work-related health, safety and illness.


Fire safety law and guidance documents for business


The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) is a global professional membership body for those in the fire sector that seek to increase their knowledge, professional recognition and understanding of fire through a global discourse. 


Office: 01323 325 272

Mobile: 07534 909 036
E-mail: brianpeck@firesafeukltd.com


Company number: 13622133
